Meet Lauren Doerr: Daughter, Wife, Mother
Lauren sat down with us to share her experiences using CircleIt and what it means to her and her family
Lauren is born and raised in Chicago, Illinois and an avid believer in the importance of preserving family history. She uses CircleIt to preserve special moments in her children’s lives and encourages her extended family to capture historic moments and candid stories to be saved for future generations.
“My Mom’s side of the family are Holocaust Survivors…”
With CircleIt, Lauren is able to preserve precious first-hand stories from her family’s arduous past and share those defining moments in time with future generations.

“Grandma has so many cool stories she’s shared with us…”
With CircleIt, Lauren recorded her mother recalling stories from her days as a Sears catalog model. These recordings were shared with family members near and far – some who didn’t know she was a model back in the day!
“I don’t always want to share things on a public platform …”
Because CircleIt is a 100% secure and private platform, Lauren happily shares pictures of her children, chats openly with her family and sends gifts to the future – all without worrying about her information getting hacked.
“We don’t always remember every important date…”
With CircleIt, Lauren is able to pre-schedule the delivery of cards, messages and even flowers and gifts to any future date. It makes celebrating special anniversaries and birthdays with loved ones that much easier.
“Grandma and Grandpa can leave special messages behind…”
Lauren invited her parents to CircleIt and prompted them to pre-schedule messages to their grandchildren for life’s major milestones. That way, even if they’re no longer alive, there’s still something special from Grandma and Grandpa on their special day.

“I can create messages for the next 30 years…”
Lauren has created CircleIt accounts for her two children and sends them regular messages recalling funny events from the day or thoughtful advice for their future. So when their account is unlocked in the future, they’ll each have hundreds of messages, photos, videos and memories waiting.