The free card library on CircleIt has hundreds of greeting cards for every conceivable holiday or occasion. Choosing between all of the beautiful designs might be the hardest part, as scheduling your card to arrive whenever you choose is simple. Unlike most ecard companies, there is no charge or subscription for our card service. You can send unlimited free cards, attach any media, all for free.
Pick out the card you like, and then personalize it with your own message. Once you have written the perfect message, you can attach media to the card to customize it even further. Just imagine recording a video message for your spouse on your anniversary 30 years from today. Or, if you have a grandchild, record yourself reading them a bedtime story. There is no limit to what you can do.
CircleIt has a gorgeous flower shop for you to select the perfect gift for any occasion. Imagine scheduling a gorgeous poinsettia to arrive on Christmas for your grandmother a year from now, or even a bouquet of roses for every future Valentine’s Day for your spouse.
All you have to do once you have created your card is open the gift store and select your gift. With hundreds of options to choose from, you can pick the perfect gift for any of your family or friends for any occasion.
We’ll already have your recipient’s physical address in our system and you’ll be asked to enter your order information just one time – then it’ll be retained in our secure system for all future orders.
The real magic of CircleIt is most obvious in our Smart Card technology. Just imagine sending a card for a future life milestone but not even knowing the date. You can pick a card for any of the following events, and CircleIt will ensure delivery.
Birth of a Child
So you could be a grandparent and send your grandchild a card today for their retirement, even though you don’t know when that will occur. Terminally ill parents can ensure their children receive a card on their wedding day, no matter what happens.
**Smart Cards coming soon in 2022**
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