Rich Cox Loved His Wife Tracey Beyond Life Itself
Truly an undying display of love. Even though Richard Cox died in 2012 after his three-year battle with throat cancer – his wife, Tracey Cox, still receives flowers from him. Every year since his death, a delivery and personalized note appear on her doorstep for Valentine’s Day and her birthday.
When Tracey Cox got the first flower delivery in 2013, she said she was shocked. “It was really emotional,” Tracey Cox told CNN. “It was sad, but also happy at the same time because I just knew he’d always be with me.”
The Gift That Keeps On Giving
Tracey Cox thought the 2013 delivery was a one-time deal, but every year her doorbell rings and is greeted by a beautiful bouquet and heartfelt note from her husband.
“Tracey, even though you can’t see me, I am always here. I love you. Love Rich,” a note from 2018 read. “Every time I get them, it really brings back a lot of emotions and joyful tears,” Tracey Cox told CNN. “It really brings back all the memories we were able to make together.”