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February 10, 2022

The Healthy Alternative to Social Media


While companies like Meta are threatening to shut down their apps over privacy battles with lawmakers, and reports are released daily that social media is causing undue depression and anxiety in teens, is it time we found a better way to connect with loved ones?

Healthy alternatives to social media include the Generational Platform, CircleIt

Meta’s profit motive has driven them to create a culture that is encouraging young people to strive for likes, and when they don’t get them, they are susceptible to depression and anxiety. Social media was meant to bring us closer together, but Meta’s efforts to promote harmony and closeness have actually led to more divisiveness.

Learn about the healthy alternative to social media trusted by over 5 million people worldwide.


According to several news reports, Meta, the parent company of Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp has said they could shut down the popular social media apps if a new deal over data sharing is not reached.

While the agreement is a bit complex, European lawmakers want to ensure user data is stored securely on servers based in the EU, while Meta wants to have this data transferred to servers in the United States.

The data they’re referring to is YOUR personal data. Meta earns approximately $6.8 billion USD from advertising that utilizes European citizens’ data, and they’re threatening to shut down access to its platforms throughout Europe if European lawmakers refuse to comply with their demands allowing Meta to continue to sell and exploit the personal data of the people of Europe.

CircleIt provides a safe and healthy alternative to social media

Essentially, if you are on Facebook, Instagram, or Whatsapp – you’re a commodity to Meta.


The initial goal of social media was to connect us to our friends and family – no matter the distance. Facebook found a way to monetize this activity by collecting information and data from their users related to the use, history and even communication within their platforms. In return, Facebook sells that data to advertisers, regardless of how personal it is.

Because of this, when you are using the internet – including Facebook and Instagram – you see highly personalized ads wherever you go. While this is a great tool for companies, not everyone wants their personal information to be sold to the highest bidder.

Meta is threatening to stop Europeans from using their 100% free platforms if they don’t get to store the users’ data the way they want, allowing Meta to make billions off the people of Europe. Does that seem fair?

"The sheer number of teens that present with symptoms of depression or anxiety as a result of their interactions on social media platforms is mind-blowing. Kids need a safer space to interact with those that truly care about them, like their family to help combat this growing epidemic. Dr. Mandana Toosi" Ph.D. Clinical Psychology


If it wasn’t enough that personal data is being exploited and sold for billions of dollars, the other side of the story is even scarier. Our children have grown up with social media. They’ve been living in a culture where chasing likes and gauging influence is the norm. Teens especially are all too familiar with using social media to participate in a global popularity contest.

Increases in teen and preteen diagnoses of clinical depression and anxiety have been a byproduct of the social media generation. Don’t believe it? Ask Meta. Their own internal studies have shown that Instagram is leading young girls to higher levels of depression, anxiety and even suicidal thoughts.

Facebook and Instagram have also FAILED in their attempt to bring friends and family closer together and their efforts to foster stronger bonds and relationships actually led to an increase in divisive content. So if social media is an unhealthy place to attempt to connect with friends and family, what should we do?


The connection between Meta’s profits and the health and wellbeing of their users is fairly direct. Because the company is more concerned with mining your personal information for profits, their goal is to have you using it… constantly. They’ve made the hunt for likes and influence gauging into a necessity for younger generations.

This has fostered a sense of insecurity among teenage girls who are closely following movie stars and models on social media – and left wondering how they can possibly compare.

What if there was a platform that DIDN’T sell your data to advertisers? A platform that enabled you to connect with your TRUE inner circle, rather than collecting meaningless digital friends?

Now, there is. CircleIt is a 100% free app built for you and your family. By keeping your data private and secure with military grade end-to-end encryption, CircleIt wants you to feel confident that your information is secure and only shared with those YOU want it shared with.

You don’t come to CircleIt to post photos selfies of you at brunch. Why? Because your true inner circle is already there sharing brunch with you. And they already KNOW what you look like.


Do you use MySpace anymore? How about Friendster or GooglePlus? Much like most technology, there is a life cycle to social media. We all thought MySpace would be around forever – then one day it was gone and everyone migrated to Facebook. Now, Facebook is seeing users leave for Instagram. And Instagram is seeing a user dropoff as they migrate to TikTok. So what will replace all these apps? And where will your media go once they’re gone?

Shouldn’t there be ONE place where you’ll never have to worry about your photos being lost? Or your movies being there one day and gone the next? Where your inner circle is always connected, in spite of the ever changing technology landscape? CircleIt is just that… and so much more.

CircleIt is a generational platform and alternative social media to Facebook built for you and your family to share memories across time, send cards and gifts into the future and privately communicate with your loved ones. Now, you can safely connect and share your photos with the people that matter most in your life – and even save them to your profile for your future generations to find and explore as they learn about their heritage.