Death comes to us in different ways. Causes of death can be sudden, like a heart attack or fatal accident, or more prolonged such as a terminal illness or old age. Whatever the cause, the fact is that all of us will pass on at some point. What happens when we die is unclear. Religions of all stripes have their take on the subject. Philosophers and scientists have grappled with the concept of the afterlife. However, one thing is certain, and it may have been best stated by Keanu Reeves:
“The people that love us will miss us.”
This is possibly the only known fact about the end of our lives. A great concern among the vast majority of people is how they will be remembered or what will their loved ones do in their absence. There are, thankfully, things we can do now that will help ease the process for everyone, including ourselves.
Before You Die, You Need To Create a Will
Estate planning is sometimes seen as a luxury of the wealthy, but that is not the case. Everyone has assets, whether physical or digital, that need to be passed on. Tools such as a digital will can help you ensure that your online accounts, passwords, and important documents are easily accessible and end up being handled the right way.
For example, you may wish that your children receive access to your iCloud account so they can access and preserve the photos and videos of your special times together. You can also ensure that your spouse receives access to any online accounts they might need, such as a PayPal account or utility accounts.
When you die intestate (without a will), these items end up lost and confusion is added to the grieving process. The last thing you want is your loved ones scrambling to find a way to cancel your Netflix account while they are attempting to plan your funeral. By creating a digital will, you will have the peace of mind knowing your loved ones will be able to grieve without added stress
Before You Die, You Need To Buy Life Insurance
Life insurance is crucial if you have a family. The last thing anyone wants is their death to cause undue burden on their family. A life insurance policy, whether term or whole, can help cover the financial gap after your passing. Think of all the costs associated with living. Now imagine your family having to meet those costs with your income suddenly gone.
The need for life insurance is so well known that many companies offer it as a benefit to their employees. One thing most experts say is that when you think you have enough life insurance, you probably don’t. Remember that the insurance will be needed to cover costs of everyday living. This can include a mortgage, grocery bills, school tuition, car payments, and utilities. These are just some of the expenses families take on. If you have other expenses, such as a boat or RV, these items can be lost if payments aren’t made. Life insurance has helped millions of families get by when a loved one suddenly or unexpectedly passes away.
Another type of life insurance exists for when you want to make sure your funeral costs are not an undue burden on your loved ones. The fact that the average funeral costs $10,000 is alarming, and these costs have only continued to increase as time has gone on. Final expense insurance is a way to have enough money available to cover the cost of a funeral. Final expense insurance can be a helpful way to ease the pain of loss on your loved ones.
Before You Die, You Need To Say 'I Love You'
One of the things almost everyone hopes is that their family and friends know that they love them. Sometimes in the course of our busy days, we forget to express this basic but important emotion to the ones we hold dear. So what happens when you suddenly pass away?
Take the example of Steve and Keri. Steve was a police officer in Dallas, Texas. He and Keri had been married for 9 years. One morning, Steve and Keri had a small disagreement, and Steve left the house to go to work. “I normally kiss him goodbye and tell him I love him, but that morning, I didn’t. I was too emotional from our argument.” Steve was later involved in a shooting that took his life. “It has been the biggest regret of my life. I wanted to make sure he knew I loved him every day. And the day I was too prideful was the day I lost him.”
Things left unsaid is a huge fear for all of us. We all want to ensure our family and friends know how we feel about them. So how can we be sure that they know after we’re gone?
CircleIt offers you the ability to schedule messages to arrive at any future date or for any future milestone. After discovering CircleIt, Keri explained; “I didn’t realize something like this existed. Since I found CircleIt, I have set up messages to arrive years from now for our kids, my nieces, and even my mom, if I should go before she does.”
By preparing future messages with greeting cards, you can use CircleIt to be there for your loved ones, even after you’re gone.