Meet Sadik Patel: Father, Police Officer, CircleIt Member
Sadik sat down with us to share his experience using CircleIt. His incredible story from growing up in a small village in India to his experiences with losses early in life, and his thoughts on preserving his family legacy for his children. Sadik’s story is not unlike most CircleIt members. He wants to remain connected to his family and his future generations, and he is using CircleIt to do so.
“I lost my Mom at 12, my Dad at 25…”
Sadik missed out on many important memories. With CircleIt, Sadik is preserving his family legacy for his children and their future children, so this family history is not lost forever.
“I can send cards and gifts for the kids to hold onto and remember…”
Family is everything to Sadik, and his experiences have shaped his perspective. CircleIt was a revolutionary concept to him, and he wanted to be a part of it early on.
“I don’t really remember my grandparents…”
Although he was born when his grandparents were still alive, Sadik doesn’t remember much about them. He is not unlike millions across the globe who do not recall family members from the past. CircleIt is helping him change this.
“I think it’s important for my kids and grandkids…”
Having his children know their family history and understand their roots is important to Sadik. Because of the early losses in his life and the lack of technology at the time, he wants to ensure that his children are able to be connected to their ancestors.
“I think knowing traditions and history are important to preserving a legacy…”
A key component to understanding their legacy is knowing traditions and values. CircleIt lines up with Sadik’s values by promoting family and staying connected to his inner circle. By enabling him to be there, forever, CircleIt is enriching the lives of Sadik and his children.
“I can create messages for my future generations…”
By helping his children recognize the importance and value of family, Sadik can use CircleIt to educate his children and bring them up with these values. CircleIt keeps his family connected to their past, their present, and their future.