How do we use technology to prepare for death? We can create digital wills, purchase insurance online, and even record videos to share with our loved ones telling them goodbye. But what happens when we’re gone?
What Is Death Tech?
Death tech is a relatively new industry comprised of companies helping with essential end-of-life services. There are many companies tackling the problems of casket prices, the environmental impact of cremation, and even the estate planning process.
All of these technologies help give us peace of mind that the things we want taken care of when we pass on will be handled according to our wishes. We want our loved ones to be able to grieve on their own time and not have to worry about such problems as where our will is located or how they are going to pay for the funeral expenses.
Much like any other industry, technology has been built to change death. CircleIt, the leading death tech company, gives you the ability to preserve your legacy long after you’re gone. So why do we call it death tech, when it is clearly for the living?
Your Memory Lives On Through Loved Ones
When we are facing death, we worry about others more than ourselves, ironically. We worry how they are going to live on, how they will remember us, and what they will pass along to future generations. CircleIt helps preserve these special memories via future messaging.
Whether you want to make sure your daughter gets a card upon the birth of her first child, or you want to congratulate a grandchild on graduation day, CircleIt gives you the ability to send a card with a personal message attached to any future date or for any milestone.
In addition, the CircleIt private chat feature enables you to send messages to any future date as well. So, if your grandchild is getting married in the next year, but you may not be able to be there, you can send a message that will arrive on the wedding date.
In addition to these features, CircleIt also gives you the ability to send a card for any future milestone, even if the date is unknown.
This means that a grandparent of a baby can ensure a wedding card arrives on the right date, no matter what. This is the power of CircleIt’s smart technology.
Why Do I Need CircleIt?
Being prepared for your loved ones and their future is not unusual. We buy life insurance to protect our families from financial hardship in the wake of our deaths. You can consider CircleIt love insurance, a way to preserve love and memories for future generations.
If we have learned anything from the growth of and other genealogy companies, it is that curiosity about our ancestors is a human trait. However, the truly interesting things about our history aren’t locked in our DNA, but rather in the stories and wisdom passed down from generation to generation. The story of how our great-grandparents met, or that secret recipe served up by our aunt at the holidays are the truly interesting things that we want to know about.
CircleIt enables us to store and pass these items down in one place. No more digging through boxes in the basement to find old photos or recipe cards. No more family traditions being lost because of a house fire or water damage in the attic. Use the virtual time capsule at your fingertips to preserve your legacy for your loved ones.
How Can Death Tech Help My Living Loved Ones?
Grieving is a difficult process for everyone. One major issue that almost everyone that is grieving the loss of a loved one feels is confusion. Often we ask “how do we know they were loved?” This can be especially true in a disconnected world, where we all feel isolated from our loved ones.
CircleIt has the power to keep you connected in real time, but the real magic of the technology is connecting everyone with their loved ones across generations. A video message delivered at the right moment, even after you’re gone, can be a powerful way of reminding someone that you love them no matter what, and that you know they loved you as well.
For those that must carry on after we die, this is the true purpose of death tech. It isn’t to keep us from dying, but to keep our legacies alive for the future, providing comfort to those we leave behind.
Download and experience the magic of CircleIt today.