Husband Arranged For Valentine's Day Surprise From Heaven
Debra Tenney Received The Surprise of a Lifetime After Her Husband Randy Had Passed Away
Randy Tenney passed away in December of 2019 after a short battle with a rare form of brain cancer. On Valentine’s Day, a mere 2 months after his passing, a bouquet of vibrant yellow flowers and a single red rose arrived for Debra with a card that read: “Roses are red, violets are blue, yelling from Heaven that I will always love you. With love from, your eternal Valentine, R.T.”
Arizona’s Family met up with Debra to talk to her about the tender moment. She said the gift had her husband’s name all over it. “My husband would give me a card that he wrote every year, usually in crayon, and it always started out with ‘Roses are red, violets are blue.’ Then something corny at the end. He always gave me flowers for Valentine’s Day, [and] yellow was his favorite color.” Debra said the surprise was a sweet reminder that she is loved. “I guess you could call this my real-life 'P.S. I Love You' miracle.”